Posted in 2023
AiiDA v2.5.0 released
- 20 December 2023
- Releases
We are pleased to announce that AiiDA v2.5 was just released [1]. It can be installed as always from PyPI using pip:
1 post-doc positions at PSI (Switzerland) on high-throughput materials discovery
- 20 November 2023
- News
One new post-doc opportunity is open in the Materials Software and Data Group led by Dr. Giovanni Pizzi, part of the Laboratory for Materials Simulations, at the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland.
Announcing a new communication platform
- 05 September 2023
- News
Today we announce the launch of a new communication channel for AiiDA:
AiiDA intro and demo at the Adv. Quantum ESPRESSO school
- 28 August 2023
- Events
The AiiDA team will be presenting some of the automation features of the Quantum ESPRESSO plugin at the “Advanced Quantum ESPRESSO school: Hubbard and Koopmans functionals from linear response”, in Pavia, Italy. For more information, visit the website of the event.
2 post-doc/software engineer positions on AiiDA at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI (Switzerland)
- 01 July 2023
- News
Two new post-doc opportunities (post-doc/software engineers) are open in the Materials Software and Data Group, part of the Laboratory for Materials Simulations, in the Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Switzerland.
AiiDA v2.4.0 released
- 23 June 2023
- Releases
We are pleased to announce that AiiDA v2.4 was just released [1]. It can be installed as always from PyPI using pip:
AiiDA tightly integrated with the new Microsoft Azure Quantum Elements platform
- 22 June 2023
- News
Microsoft recently launched their new Azure Quantum Elements platform. We are happy to share that AiiDA is tightly integrated in it!
AiiDA v2.3.0 released
- 14 April 2023
- Releases
We are pleased to announce that AiiDA v2.3 was just released [1].
It can be installed as always from PyPI using pip install aiida-core==2.3