New AiiDA tutorial in Lausanne, May 2017#
The second edition of the MARVEL/Psi-k/MaX “Tutorial on high-throughput computations: general methods and applications using AiiDA” will take place on May 29-31, 2017 at EPFL (Lausanne, Switzerland), targeted at students, postdocs and researchers interested in applying high-throughput computations in their research and interested in learning how to use the AiiDA platform.
The program includes a tutorial on the AiiDA code, and invited highlight talks from experts in the field of high-throughput computations (Prof. T. Bligaard, Stanford University; Prof. M. Fornari, Central Michigan University; Prof. C. Pickard, University of Cambridge; Prof. S. Sanvito, Trinity College Dublin).
Registration is open until Feb 26, 2017. The registration link, requirements that must be met by the applicants, and additional information can be found here:
Thanks to sponsorship from MARVEL/Psi-k/MaX, we can provide financial support for the lodging expenses of a limited number of accepted participants. All other expenses (travel, food, …) must be covered by the participants themselves. Additional participants can be accepted up to the room capacity, but their expenses will not be covered.